Monday, March 28, 2011


OK, I know I haven't posted in a while, but I thought I'd start back again by letting you guys know this. I just got out of the shower, and when I came down stairs I saw what my dad was watching on TV. And you'll never guess what it was. Twilight: New Moon. My dad. A colonial in the army. The toughest guy I know. Oh dad.  A lot has happened since I last posted. And I'm sorry I haven't in a while.  But, I've moved houses, I've painted my room, and my sister has gotten peskier by the moment. BLEHH!! Oh, well. Anyways, in my new neighborhood like, everyone from school lives there. And of course, that means the irritating ones too. Greaaattttt..... Blehhh. Sucks for me. Sorry for bringing y'all into this. Wow. New Moon is SOOO frikin dramatic! And my dad was watching it... Woooowwww....  Hahaha!!! I love this picture!!!!! bwahahahaha!!!!!
Hahahahahaha, well it's time to say goodnight. Good night bloggers of the world.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

D Now(:

The last 2 days I have been in D NOW!!!!(: It was SOSOSOSOOOO MUCH FUN!!!! Although, I might have lost hearing in  my right ear, and i cant really talk, It was flipping awesome! I had so much fun!! unfortunitly, my church didnt get to do the whole spend the night thingy... Oh well. Our speaker was so awesome!! He was really really funny(: and i saw a lot of people i knew, like Destinee, Connor,  and a lot of other people. I loved it! everyone that didnt go, needs to go next year!!!! its flipping awesome!!!! well now i have to go to church. Happy daylight savings day...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

:'( BAD DAY!!!

Ok, I think this qualifies as officailly the WORST DAY EVER!  :'( I'm very sad. It all started in 7th period... The guy I kinda like sits next to me, and he said "so i got a text saying you like me..." and im like..."Whaaaa...???????" and i got mad, cuz i thought someone told (turns out they didnt thank gosh...) anyways, so i was mad bout that. then i went to my neighbors house, and the 2nd guy i like was there. so like, im happy. then cade (my neighbor who knows who i like) started saying "i know who lydia likes...." and im like "Dude shut the crap up!!!!!!" but he wouldnt, so the guy i like (2nd one) is in ninth grade, and when he found out it was him he was like "i would never go out with you! not in this lifetime!!" so im like :'( but then i left and they all followed me, and THEN the 3rd guy i like came (he knows too) and tryed to make me happy, but it didnt work. so, that is why this is the WORST DAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!  Well, that was fun reliving the past. (NOT!) Byeee!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Sorry I haven't posted in a while... things are busy. :P anyways today is the first day of lent!! I'm not catholic but my family gives up stuff anyways. I'm giving up Gmail and chocolate!!:P *sigh* its going to be hard.... anyways for those who email me, I'm not going to reply for the next 40 days. nothing against you...(: haha so today im wearing a dress to school, but noone knows!!! haahahhaaaa welll its time to go...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Not good....

Heyyy from Erin's house.... She's in the shower cus she had an allergic reaction to some face wash crud. UHOH!! right now, one of Emilys (erins little sister) friends is sitting on my lap. :P haha, its all good. Did you know Emily wants to be a vet? She can start spouting off information about any type of horse or dog you could imagine. Her favorite type of horse is a Friesian, and yes she had to spell that for me....:P Anyways, texted one of my crushes for a while....(: but yeah, not going to well....:( bummer...So, i better go... I'll try and post pix later(: Byeeee!!! ~Lyd~

Friday, March 4, 2011

Special, but who is ed?

My friends call me special, but i cant figure out who this ed guy is!!!! :'( JUST KIDDING!! I know ed is santa's helper. (: UGHH, this morning, i cant wait to see my friend leila and our poster for english! and tonight im gonna be at erins house(: ahhh!!! that'll be fun!:P ahahhahhhhhh!! soo, i have to go get ready for school. if you has the time, look at the following websites: andddd
byee!!!! <3 Lyd<3

Thursday, March 3, 2011


AHHH!!!! Wellll i was just on (best website EVER!!) and i found this thingyyy and im like "AHHHH LOOK AT THE TURRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" so i thought id let yall see thissss   LOOKK ATTT ITTT

So, just started blogging....

Helloooo people of the internet and Mars:P Welllll.... I'm new to this bloggiery thing, so if this is really crappy, I'm sorry... Anyyywaysssss... I'm Lydia, nice to meet ya. For y'all that don't know me, that stinks for you.... just joking!! sorta... but I love random things, and I'll post any random crap I find! Signing off now.... Byee!!!!
 <3 Lyd <3